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Woven hearts v-day quilt post #4

I'm forcing myself to make this blog post. It's been a tough week and I don't want to do this but blogging does make me happy so I hope this helps me get back on track.

I've finished my quilt, mostly. It could use more quilting but this is as done as it's going to get for now.

This was the hardest one to weave and I'm really proud of it. Sorry the picture is a bit blurry, I just couldn't seem to get them all to look sharp today. I stitched around all the red sections with a continuous line when I attached the applique'. Then, after pin basting the quilt together, I stitched through all three layers around the heart on the edge and then a second time using the edge of my presser foot as a guide. I also stitched inside the border.

This was a quick project so I didn't bother with binding. I sewed on a border of the purplish magenta then layered it right sides together with the backing and batting underneath and stitched and turned it right-side out. Is there a name for that specific method? Fortunately, my backing doesn't show on the front or sides, it's a lot darker than the front. It looks like it needs a good pressing again.

12" x 34"

This picture shows the colors better. It needs more quilting. I was thinking of an unequal crosshatching in the background but I'm ready to move onto my next project. Maybe next year, when I bring it out again, I'll work on it some more.

Happy sewing!

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The quilt with two names

I've known about this quilt forever. I originally read about it on the Quilting Board way before I'd seen the Jelly Roll Race or the 1600 inch quilt. You can find the original post here:   I recommend you wade through it because there are a lot of nice examples. On page 7 is a picture tutorial and somewhere in there is a discussion of making different sizes and using different widths. She used to have a PDF printout for free but you could just print the first page.  Anyways, I used my JoAnn's, 20 strip jelly roll to try this out.  I wanted to also separate the strips by piecing squares in between them. I really like that look for this quilt so I chose a crazy scrap I had laying around and cut twenty 2 1/2 inch squares. The jelly roll had only ten different fabrics, 2 strips of each, so I pieced squares on one end of each strip. I should clarify, you need to piece strips ...